pitbull historyTraditional story: the make-believe of the pitbull’s appearing, and also a part of the English bullterrier’s appearing we own of the massive pattern method of approach and practice of not well informed authors of books. The Story says – in about 1800 year the dog fighting ware very popular. The experts in these fights estimates, that old-time pitbull is sluggish, very weak in fights, big and inefficacious against its mighty opponents – the bulls. They cross-breeding the pitbull with already disappearing English Terrier, and so they made first the pitbull and the terrier, and after that the bullterrier.

Fact: the dog called “English bulldog” today is a show bred animal developed well AFTER baiting was banned. Dogs with the bracycephalic nose and short, wide, deformed body of the show bulldog never were typical of animals used for bullbaiting. Rather, the true bull-dog was a 40 to 65 pound dog, long of leg, with a strong, medium, working muzzle, and a long, thin tapering tail. The watercolor above is by Thomas Rowlandson [1756-1827], who sketched scenes of English life, and often drew butchers, baiters, dog fighters and their dogs. The above is entitled The Bull Bait and shows the riff raff typical of baiting sports and their bull-dogs; identical to today’s American pit bull.

The original pitbull is never been big and sluggish. His ability to fight also is beyond any doubt, because as in ancient times, as in today he is showing it in its duels. His legendary abilities are real and every one, who’s doubt in them, can see them in action. It is not logical the ancient Babylons and romans fill with admiration of the dog’s strength, but the minors from Stafordshir and the producers of lace from Birmingam uneducated to dispute it. Leaded out from the lord’s homes and well-to-do middle class, the pitbull fall in to the hands of uneducated, simple people, who must save its abilities, and let’s not talk about the money and the opportunities they have. The lower class of the English society, is the one who find pitbull’s bearings to dogs and rats fight. They cross-breeding him and “made improvements”, at least they thing so. Here I say, with a smile, that these people are a failure to observe the law from 1389 year, which forbid to families, with income less than 40 shillings per year, to have a sporting dog, meaning Pitbull.

butchers pitbullPit bulls have always been associated with butchers. This dates back to when they were used to control animals in market stalls. A strong, determined dog was needed to grip and hold unruly animals about to be butchered.

I stared at him, dumbstruck really, I couldn’t help but think of the 300 plus breeds which do not happen to grace the stud books of the American Kennel Club. This man certainly did not know his American Staffordshire history – that much was evident. From whence did he think the show-bred brother to the pit bull came from? Was he unaware that the AKC had opened its “pure” stud books to this “non-breed”, the “pitbull”, not once, but three times (the last time as late as the 1970’s)? And yet now, like a Peter, this man was denying the breed which formed the basis for at least three AKC registered breeds, its very identity.

pitbull and boar huntingPrimarily used as an animal which could pin and control large and dangerous beasts such as boar, bear and bull, dogfighting was never the original purpose of the bulldog. Dog fighters will argue this point, but the evidence is quite clear. The animals pictured here could enter the ring and win as representatives of the American pit bull today.

The qualities of the first bullterriers in 1850 have very little to do with the qualities of the today’s English bullterriers. The positive abilities to the today’s English bullterrier are intelligence, which express in easy and quick learning of the commands, effectiveness in eliminating of armed attacker. The disadvantages are entrusted, weakly flexible construction, short, devoid of good rebound. The muscles type “English bullterrier”, at least and seemingly strong and mighty power, fall down on long-time heavy, dynamical loading. My personal opinion for the breed is, that is long away from the pitbull, but it’s positive abilities are close enough. That could be the goal of the creators. I believe that the white species are most potential owners of awards from exhibitions, and the colourfull are most fight-orientated and that’s because of cross-breeding with English Stafford terrier in the end of 19 century.
pitbulls fightI just want to give moderate recommendations, that regarding the breeds, that are straight linked with the original pitbull and the today’s American pitbull terrier, or in other words – the factor “pitbull”. For more information, about the standards of the breed, qualitative English bullterrier, intended for exhibitions and reproduction, and also if you desire to buy a great value dog, it’s strictly recommended to call to the specialized clubs and fames stock-breeding farms.

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